Tatiana Tchekina

  • Professor, Eastman School of Music
  • Appeared at major festivals in Russia, Czechoklovakia, Austria, Finland, USA, Australia & Canada
  • Performs with husband Oleh Krysa in solo & chamber music recitals throughout the world
  • Recorded for Melodiya, Bis, Triton, TNC & Russian Disc labels

The pianist Tatiana Tchekina was born in Moscow into a family of singers.

She studied at the Kiev and Moscow Conservatories with Vsevolod Topilin and Boris Zemliansky. Since 1967, Ms. Tchekina has been performing with her husband, the violinist Oleh Krysa, in solo and chamber music recitals throughout the Soviet Union, Europe, United States (including Carnegie Hall in New York and Kennedy Center in Washington), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea and has received world wide critical acclaim.

Tatiana Tchekina also appeared at major music festivals in Russia ("Moscow Stars"), Czechoslovakia ("Prague Spring"), Austria (Wiener Fest), Finland (Kuhmo, Korsholm), USA (Oregon Bach Festival, The Lake Winnipesaukee Music Festival, Park City International Chamber Music Festival) and Australia (Townsville).

She has recorded on the MELODIYA, BIS, TRITON, TNC and RUSSIAN DISC labels with violinist Oleh Krysa. Her latest releases include Two Sonatas for Violin and Piano by Bartok, Two Sonatas and Five Melodies for Violin and Piano by Prokofiev, Works for Violin and Piano by Szymanowski, Works for Violin and Piano by Ravel, Sonatas for Violin and Piano by Debussy, Poulenc and Franck for TRITON, Three Sonatas for Violin and Piano by Brahms for RUSSIAN DISC, Chamber Works by Schnittke and Schulhoff for BIS.

Most recently she completed Sonatas for Violin and Piano by Elgar, Delius and Walton, Works for Violin and Piano by Dvorak for TRITON, Sonata for Violin and Piano and Two Piano Trios by Lyatoshynsky with Oleh Krysa (Violin) and Natalia Khoma (Cello) for TNC.

"... obviously, a first-rank artist in her own right ..."

The Montreal Star

"...her artistry largely was vivid, connected and expertly meshed with the violinist's concept..."

The Plain Dealer

"... an especially forceful, responsive partner..."

The Washington Post

"...Tchekina had her moments of glory-in Lyatoshynky's Sonata, her virtuosic passages were wonderfully executed..."

Musical Opinion Supplement (London)

"... distinguished musician herself and a pianist of a notable talents..."

Canberra Times

"In 30 years of teaching I have not encountered a musical personality such as his. Oleh has brilliant natural gifts, unusual musicality, vivid artistry and great charm."
David Oistrakh. "Sovietskaya Muzyka"